The other three are Intellect-based ( Intimidation, Persuasion, or Deception). You have three options to deal with them (one, admitting that you're there for Rhin is. Once it comes out that they're bounty hunters on her trail, she will claim that you have Discoverer's Rights to avoid being taken back to the slaver in Circus Minor. A group of three hooded thugs appears, trying to abduct her. You can inspect it to find Rhin huddling in the ruins. The exit to the caravanserai has a collapsed home nearby. Over time, Rhin regains the ability to remember - and remembers that her closest friend, Ahl, actually sequestered her memories away. That's when the Last Castoff came into play. After she escaped her grasp, Rhin hid away in Cliff's Edge, in a ruined building, trying to figure out what to do with her life. Captured by Tol Maguur's slavers, she became a receptacle for the castoff's tides. She suffered greatly upon coming to Sagus Cliffs. She knows the gods are a part of the culture she was born into (the town of Baranth), but cannot remember her family or anything else. The key issue with Rhin is that she has difficulty remembering things beyond the broadest possible strokes. She says they help her, though it's hard to know for sure. She insists that the stones she carries with her are gods. Unless you count her damaged head, her odd turns of phrase, and her tendency to talk to a rock that lives in her pocket. Rhin is just a child - nothing special about her.