Theofil look immigration wisconsin
Theofil look immigration wisconsin

theofil look immigration wisconsin

New York, N.Y.: Direktorium des Leo-Hauses, 1914. Gegruendet zum Schutze katholischer Einwanderer. Festschrift zum silbernen Jubilaeum des Leo-Hauses. German Americans/ History/ Lutheran Church/ History/ German-American press/ Historyġ889-1914. Die Unberuehrten, die Verlorenen, die Ringenden von Heinz Kloss. 1838: Die Auswanderung saechischer Lutheraner nach dem nordamerikanischen Mittelwesten von Katharina Reimann. 1738: Die Anfaenge des deutschen Zeitungs=, Druck= und Verlagwesens in Nordamerika von Walter Kappe. Notes: Deutschtum im Ausland: Zeitschrift des Deutschen Ausland-Instituts Stuttgart.Ībstract: Contents: 1638: Deutsche Sprache und lutherisches Kirchentum in Neu=Niederland und Neu=Schweden von Otto Lohr. “1638, 1738, 1838, 1938: Stufenjahre in der Entwicklung des Deutschtums der Vereinigten Staaten.” Deutschtum im Ausland, vol. PIA/ German Americans - Wisconsin/ German Americans - Societies, etc./ Merrill (Wis.) Stiftungsfest des Maenner-Vereins der Ev. PIA/ Swiss Americans/ Societies, etc./ Music/ Songs/ Festivalsġ5. Juli 1930.” Amerikanischer Schweizer-Kalender, vol. Saengerfest des Schweizer Amerikanischen Saengerbundes in Union City, N.

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postal stamp commemorating American Turners 100th anniversary. PIA/ German Americans/ Songs/ Societies, etc./ Musicġ25th anniversary Madison Turners, 1855-1980.Ībstract: Program includes information on the history of the Madison Turners and the U.S. Notes: Saturday, September 14, 1985, Sheboygan Armory 7:30 pm donated by Juergen Eichhoff. Gegruendet 1860 Gesangverein Concordia Sheboygan proudly presents Columbus Maennerchor. Selzen/ Rheinland-Pfalz/ Germany/ Historyġ25th anniversary “Concordia” Singing Society Concert & Dance. 47), most of whom emigrated “ungesetzlich Amerika.” Notes: Donated by Walter Schwamb, Koengernheim, 2002.Ībstract: Includes history of Selzen and Verzeichnis der ausgewanderten Buerger, 1843-1881 (31 names on p. Jubilaeumsbuch zur 1200-Jahrfeier der Weinbaugemeinde Selzen. documents/ Wisconsin/ German Americans/ Forty-eightersġ200 Jahre Selzen: 782-1982.

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PIA/ Freethinkers/ Societies, etc./ Miscell. Notes: Program of centennial celebration at Jefferson Hall, 2617 W. 100 Jahre Fortschritt des freidenkenden Menschen. 1867-1967 centennial, Freie Gemeinde of Milwaukee, Gesangsection u. They also includes additional online resources related to German Americana.ġ00 years: Humanism, rationalism, socio-ideological idealism. These pages contain information on pamphlets, journals and journal articles, book chapters, and more from the Library and Archives of the Max Kade Institute. Please note: In the majority of bibliographic records, MKI has not used umlauts. Use your browser’s Find function to search the pages! Census, 1900, City of Green Bay, Brown County, Wisconsin ED 14, Sheet 3B, Dwelling 48.~These pages are currently under construction~ Occupation - Saw Mill Hand, Green Bay, Brown County, Wisconsin Census, 1880, Humboldt Township, Brown County, Wisconsin - Census - Dwelling 10 Occupation - Farmer, Humboldt Township, Brown County, Wisconsin Vital Records Index, Marriages Pre-1907 - Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services - Civil Registry Census, 1900, City of Green Bay, Brown County, Wisconsin ED 14, Sheet 3B, Dwelling 48. Book "The Flemish in Wisconsin (De Vlamingen in Wisconsin)", 1985 - Jeanne and Les Rentmeester - Book Marriage (with Nathalie Gille) - Brown County, Wisconsin Census, 1870, Humboldt Township, Brown County, Wisconsin - Census - Dwelling 56 Census, 1860, Humboldt Township, Brown County, Wisconsin - Census - Dwelling 1743 Residence - With Parents, Humboldt Township, Brown County, Wisconsin Sources: "17 200 Belges Devenus Americains 1620-1920" - Marcel Lacourt - Cercle Historique et Archéologique de Wavre et al Region, 2001 - Book

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Immigration - Aboard the ships "Emerald Isle" and "John Bright", landing at New York on 22 October 1855 "Brabancons au Nouveau Monde" - Jean Ducat - Belgian American Heritage, Biesme-Mettet, Belgique, 2000 - Book "17 200 Belges Devenus Americains 1620-1920" - Marcel Lacourt - Cercle Historique et Archéologique de Wavre et al Region, 2001 - Book Marie Therese Melanie Collard 1845-1920/īirth - Nethen, Brabant Wallon Province, Belgium.Married 29 May 1871, Brown County, Wisconsin, Buried - Allouez Cemetery, Allouez/Green Bay, Brown County, Wisconsin.Born 5 March 1850 - Nethen, Brabant Wallon Province, Belgium.

Theofil look immigration wisconsin